Monday, December 6, 2010

Green Gifts for Humanity

Green Gifts for Humanity

Before we go shopping and buy more stuff we don't really need, why not think out of the box this year? Here are a few ideas from Greenlandlady's holiday gift list.

Monday, November 22, 2010

In Defense of Smart Meters

Whenever something truly innovative comes along, the fright talk seems to bubble up from the netherworld. Smart meters are now allowing consumers and utilities to track usage, which is one step toward creating a better energy management system nationally. As the smart meters were rolled out over the last year, however, consumer education lagged behind - a void filled by the fearmongers. In this article we review the risks associated with smart meters and compare them to those posed by your hair dryer and other common electrical appliances. By the way, if you want to fear something... maybe it should be that electric can opener!

In Defense of ‘Smart’ Meters

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Apartments We Can Age In

Apartments We Can Age In

It is a simple matter of incorporating elements of Universal Design to make any home suitable and safer for all ages and levels of ability. Allowing people to live with dignity and remain independent are the biggest benefits, but fewer injuries and accidents are also guaranteed. The cost? Minimal to minor when the design is incorporated during initial construction. However, even in existing buildings some design changes can be implemented inexpensively.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Green Property Insurance Incentives

Even if you live in an historic home, Fireman's Fund Insurance (an Allianz Company) offers a rider that allows you to rebuild a green home in case of a loss. As I think this sort of business-based incentive will expand the sustainability movement, I am giving them Kudos and this big plug.
Green Property Insurance Incentives

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Too gutless to go paperless? Man up.

Going Paperless is not as difficult as people think it is. Candidly, most offices and homes could easily accomplish this with a minimal investment in software. If you use a service that stores your information on-line, not only is it accessible from anywhere in case of an emergency, it is securely backed up. Think about what happens to your insurance policy in a disaster. Fires? Floods? Earthquakes? Your can find access your information from your smart phone.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Where is Our FDR?

Where is Our FDR?

Can 140 characters in social media expose our hypocrisy? One passionate blogger speaks out about social responsibility and Twitter relationships.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

FHA Mortgage Insurance Revisions for Multifamily

FHA Mortgage Insurance Revisions for Multifamily The last major revision of the FHA multifamily mortgage underwriting, policies and guidelines was about 40 years making this year's 'New Rules' all the more exciting for investors. Taking the positive view, it makes sense to review them first before making a judgment, doesn't it? Here is a synopsis - with hotlinks - on the changes that will most radically affect multifamily financing. This article will help you educate yourself and prepare, because FHA has definitely changed its easygoing outlook.

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Renters: Trend or Prayer?

New Renters: Trend or Prayer?

Renters seem to be returning to the market in some regions, but is this a national trend? This article reminds us that everything has a cycle and the one we are experiencing will eventually end.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Green Renters: Go Get Em!

Green Renters: Go Get Em! Green property managers can easily overlook one verdant tool: green renters. tells you how to attract green renters to improve your net operating income and preserve your property's integrity. Offered are ten tips on attracting green renters and also a reality check on what tenants want.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

WaterSense is Common Sense

WaterSense is Common Sense Americans are lovely human beings overall - we really are - but we are sloppy when it comes to all kinds of conservation. offers green property managers and green renters an opportunity to radically up their game. This article provides insight and additional tools for making painless changes in your water usage habits. Take a shorter shower and save the world!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Granite Countertops, Radon and Risk

Granite Countertops, Radon and Risk

We published this article today on as radon - and the associated health risks from exposure as the second leading cause of lung cancer - is an under-publicized and often ignored carcinogen. Please read this article and get your home tested.

Every single area of the United States has some radon off-gassing from the soil and rock decaying under our homes. It becomes trapped in our cellars, basements and plumbing, which is how it enters our homes. The problem is that radon is odorless, colorless and tasteless and the public has not been properly educated to understand that testing is critical everywhere in the United States. (Our article has an EPA map showing the zones where exposure is heaviest, but excessive exposure in individual properties has been found even in the lowest zone areas.)

Incidentally, your granite countertops are probably safe, but your home may not be. Please go to http://greenlandlady/ for the best information on living a sustainable lifestyle at home whether you live in an apartment or a home. Here is the complete link to the radon article, just in case:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Right Words Have Great Power

If you are one of the people who knows exactly what you think but find it difficult to put words on paper, please contact me. Writing is my profession but also my passion whether I am writing about sustainability, business, arts & culture or the weather. When a writer is engaged, the reader is too.

Here is a partial list of our writing portfolio:
  • Grant proposals for profit and non-profits
  • Brochure copy
  • Blog posts for business, sustainability, arts and culture
  • Website copy, management and updates
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Graphic Design and Copy
  • Newspaper articles
  • Press releases
  • Social media fan sites
  • Resumes and cover letters that get interviews
  • Ghostwriting for memoirs, novels and short stories
  • Editing for native and non-native speakers
  • English to Spanish, Spanish to English translation
How do we work? Usually I will interview you and work with you to define what you want to say. This may be a little time-consuming on your part, because it is important to get the tone and meaning perfect for you. I can write as little or as much as you like. We can make arrangements by the page or the project and we will consider extending credit with a deposit. If you prefer to write something yourself and hire us only to edit and correct your grammar, we can do that too. You are in charge but we have the power of the right words.

I am so confident about meeting your writing needs with high caliber talent and product that I offer one free rewrite to anyone who is dissatisfied.

In today's world you need to showcase yourself or no matter how wonderful you are with all the chaos out there, no one will be able to find you.  And you deserve to be noticed. Let us help you with your success.

Don't struggle with that thesaurus, just call 360-887-4530 or email me at and put "the right words" in the subject to qualify for a free 1/2 consultation.

Elizabeth Madrigal