Monday, July 5, 2010

Granite Countertops, Radon and Risk

Granite Countertops, Radon and Risk

We published this article today on as radon - and the associated health risks from exposure as the second leading cause of lung cancer - is an under-publicized and often ignored carcinogen. Please read this article and get your home tested.

Every single area of the United States has some radon off-gassing from the soil and rock decaying under our homes. It becomes trapped in our cellars, basements and plumbing, which is how it enters our homes. The problem is that radon is odorless, colorless and tasteless and the public has not been properly educated to understand that testing is critical everywhere in the United States. (Our article has an EPA map showing the zones where exposure is heaviest, but excessive exposure in individual properties has been found even in the lowest zone areas.)

Incidentally, your granite countertops are probably safe, but your home may not be. Please go to http://greenlandlady/ for the best information on living a sustainable lifestyle at home whether you live in an apartment or a home. Here is the complete link to the radon article, just in case:

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